
Scientific publication of the Iberian Association of Limnology

Aims and scope
Limnetica publishes original research articles on the ecology of inland waters. The scope of Limnetica includes the ecology of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, coastal lagoons and wetlands, as well as biogeochemistry, paleolimnology, development of new methodologies, taxonomy, biogeography and any aspect of theoretical and applied continental aquatic ecology such as management and conservation, impact assessment, ecotoxicology and pollution. Limnetica will accept for its publication scientific articles presenting advances in knowledge or technological development, as well as as papers derived from new practical approaches on the topics covered by the journal.

Co-editors in chief: Dr. Isabel MuñozDr. Daniel von Schiller

Limnetica is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes two issues per year. The publication and submission of articles by the authors is completely free.

Creative Commons License Limnetica is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Acknowledgment to reviewers

Impact index (2023): 1.2 Impact index (5 years): 1.4


Current Limnetica

Volume 43 (2)
Murilo de Souza Ferreira, Walter K. Dodds and Davi Gasparini Fernandes Cunha
2024. Volume 43 (2): 253-271

Featured Limnetica

Volume 35 (2)
Emilio Moreno, C. Pérez-Martínez and J. M. Conde-Porcuna
2016. Volume 35 (2): 323-336
Mejor artículo Jóvenes-AIL 2016-2017


Online first articles

Accepted and fully citable articles not yet assigned to an issue


Published volumes